Several policy Measures on Stimulating Talent Vitality and Supporting Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3.0版)》

来源:   时间: 2022-11-21 12:33

The Jilin Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Jilin Provincial People's Government issued Several Policy Measures on Stimulating Talent Vitality and Supporting Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3.0版)》

  Recently, the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government issued Several policy Measures on Stimulating Talent Vitality and Supporting Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3.Version 0), and issued a notice, requiring all localities and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of the actual situation。Certain policy measures (3.The full text of version 0 is as follows:
Several policy measures to stimulate talent vitality and support talent innovation and entrepreneurship (3.0版)
   First, improve the talent classification and evaluation mechanism
  1.We will improve the classification and grading of talents。重点聚焦我省“一主六双”高质量发展战略和“六新产业”“四新设施”中的自然科学、工程技术、经济金融、教育医疗、人文社科、文化艺术等领域优秀人才,将人才分为国内外顶尖人才(A类)、国家级领军人才(B类)、省部级领军人才(C类)、省域拔尖人才(D类)和青年后备型人才(E类)五类。坚决破除唯论文、唯职称、唯学历、唯奖项“四唯”现象,突出不唯帽子重实绩、不唯奖项重贡献、不唯资历重能力的评价导向,健全科学评价机制,改革评价方式。
  2.Formulate standards for the classification and identification of enterprise talents。We will strengthen the evaluation and incentive of talents in enterprises,Insist on breaking the "four only" evaluation tendency,将人才所在企业层次规模、利润纳税额度、带动就业人数以及人才在企业经营管理、核心技术研发、解决关键技术、缴纳个税额度等方面的业绩贡献作为主要评价内容,Based on market recognition and social recognition,Scientific formulation of enterprise personnel classification and grading standards。
  3.We will improve the mechanism for classifying and grading talents。Establish a talent classification network declaration platform, and declare and accept qualified talents at any time。探索逐步下放人才分类定级评审认定权限,授权条件成熟的单位和地区结合实际开展人才分类定级。
   Second, strengthen the life service guarantee for talents
  4.Zero threshold for talent to settle。大中专院校毕业生、留学归国人员和职业院校(含技工院校)毕业生以及取得职业资格证书、职业技能等级证书的人员,urbanized,It is not subject to restrictions on house purchase, employment, social security payment period and other conditions,You can apply for permanent urban residence registration at the public security organ of your place of work or residence,The spouses, parents and children of the above-mentioned persons may apply for residence with them。
  5.We will improve the mechanism for providing subsidies for the introduction of talented people。By the provincial human resources and social security Department talent classification and classification,Meet our province full-time introduction standard conditions,And signed with the employer for more than 3 years of formal employment contract A-E class of advanced and sophisticated talent shortage,The provincial finance grants 3 million, 1.5 million, 700,000, 350,000 and 150,000 yuan respectively (allocated in 5 years).,The introduction of talents can enjoy the relevant subsidies of local government and employers at the same time。
  6.We will establish a mechanism for ensuring the well-being of talented people。支持鼓励人才集中的城市建设人才社区,探索多主体供给、多渠道保障的分层次、广覆盖的人才安居机制。鼓励各地政府结合实际建设各种合作形式的人才公寓、青年公寓、蓝领公寓,可对无自有住房的各类人才以及有意在当地求职、创业和实习的外地生源毕业生提供免费入住服务或发放租房补贴。高校和职业院校(含技工院校)毕业生在我省建立个人住房公积金账户并连续足额缴存6个月后即可申请住房公积金贷款,各地可根据实际适当上浮贷款额度,放宽余额比例限制。探索建立租赁权激励机制,政府开发的人才住房,C类及以上人才连续租住8年后,D、E类人才连续租住12年后,可长期享有租用住房使用权。
  7.Coordinate and settle the spouses of imported talents。对D类及以上符合条件的全职引进人才配偶,各地可根据其配偶意愿和原单位性质,采取特事特办、一事一议方式从优妥善安置工作。Those who meet the conditions for entering public institutions, but the employer has no spare staffing, can apply for the use of "talent staffing pool" preparation for enrollment。
  8.We will improve the enrollment mechanism for children of talents。经省人社厅认定的高层次人才可由用人单位所属政府教育行政部门负责协调,享受子女入学安置政策。其中,A、B类人才子女及直系第三代子女可根据人才本人意愿,在基础教育阶段学校起始年级就读;C、D类人才子女,按就近从优原则,参考人才本人意愿,在义务教育阶段公办学校起始年级就读。省域外转入经认定为高层次人才的子女,在义务教育阶段非毕业年级或在符合高考政策前提下的普通高中在读学生,转入省域内学校就读时,可不受入学年级限制。The provincial finance will provide the receiving school with a subsidy of no more than 50,000 yuan per child of talent。
  9.We will implement an old-age security plan for high-level personnel。高层次人才符合国家和省规定的各项工资、津贴补贴等工资性收入,按规定纳入基本养老保险缴费基数。不具备为全员建立企业年金的单位,可优先为高层次人才建立企业年金,企业年金的单位缴费可向高层次人才倾斜。支持各类高层次人才建立个人养老金,鼓励有条件的单位对其个人缴费予以补助;可在个人自愿、单位同意的基础上,申请延迟领取养老保险待遇,继续缴纳养老保险费。
  10.Improve the level of medical and travel services for talents。拓展“吉享卡”“吉健卡”服务范围,对D类及以上人才发放“吉享卡”,E类人才发放“吉健卡”。“吉享卡”持卡人(含2名随行人员),可在龙嘉机场、长春火车站享受“绿色通道”贵宾服务。“吉享卡”“吉健卡”持卡人及其子女、配偶和双方父母可享受指定医院预约门诊和住院“绿色通道”诊疗服务,可享受省内重点旅游景区免门票服务,可同等享受省域内各地政府出台的人才服务优惠政策。
   Third, we will strengthen incentives for talents to contribute
  11.We will increase incentives for the training of post-doctoral talents。对科技成果突出、有发展潜力的在站博士后研究人员,可按规定推荐申报国家高层次人才支持计划,择优给予最高不超过20万元科研资助经费,可直接申报副高级职称。
  出站博士后研究人员与我省用人单位签订5年及以上聘用合同的,由省财政给予最高不超过10万元科研启动资金,评聘副高级职称后工作满3年,可申报正高级职称。Postdoctoral researchers introduced by enterprises and institutions in the province or who stay in Kyrgyzstan after leaving the station can be identified as Class D talents after recommendation。
  12.We will continue to strengthen compensation incentives。对事业单位中E类及以上人才中享受国家级表彰奖励获得者待遇的,薪级工资可比照规定标准上浮2级;享受省部级表彰奖励获得者待遇的,薪级工资可比照规定标准上浮1级。因同一事项获得2个及以上表彰奖励的,不得重复高定薪级;因所获表彰奖励已经相应高定薪级的,保持不变。
  13.We will implement a plan to "double" the income of high-end talent。We will further improve the incentive mechanism for high-end talent,In my professional technical field to solve the "stuck neck" key core technology,Major breakthroughs have been made,Make an outstanding contribution,An indispensable high-end talent in this field,Special incentives will be given,We will gradually raise the income level of high-end talents through multiple channels,Promote the realization of high-end talent income "doubling"。
  14.Incentivize the evaluation and recruitment of professional titles for grass-roots technical personnel。Authorizing municipal (state) governments,According to the actual situation of the region, it is possible to engage in front-line professional technical work in enterprises and institutions at the county and township level for a total of 30 years,And is still engaged in professional technical work in the front line,Those who have been employed with intermediate titles for at least 10 years,Can be directly evaluated (hired) as deputy senior title (position),Separate approval,Single column management。
  对市(州)及以上城市到县乡基层一线从事专业技术工作满3年以上且仍在基层一线从事专业技术工作的人员,可提前1—2年申报上一级职称,Separate approval,Single column management。对与县(市)及以下企事业单位签订3年工作服务协议的博士和硕士,可分别申请评定考试系列以外的副高级职称和中级职称,Separate approval,Single column management。Continue to carry out the evaluation of professional titles of rural talents, and provide subsidies for professional titles of rural talents。
  15.We will increase efforts to incline the selection of honorary titles for talents。省域内院士工作站、国家级实验室、国家级重点实验室、国家工程研究中心(工程实验室)、国家企业技术中心、全国博士后流动(工作)站、省级博士后创新实践基地、国家及省级专家服务(人才培养、继续教育)基地、国家及省级留学人员创业园、国家级技能大师工作室、国家级双创示范基地和国家级中小企业公共服务平台、国家级“专精特新”企业等单位(组织)所属人才,Participate in The State Council special allowance, provincial top innovative talents, provincial outstanding contribution experts and other honorary titles,Can implement a single indicator,Direct report。
   Fourth, strengthen the reform of talent management mechanism
  16.Release talent evaluation management mechanism。Delegate to provincial public institutions the power to independently evaluate and recruit professional and technical posts at the third level。对人才密集、岗位聘任矛盾突出的省属事业单位,探索建立专技高级职称岗位总数不变、比例动态调整的管理机制。Direct institutions in the province can apply to participate in the evaluation of professional and technical posts at the second and third levels in our province。支持用人单位自主开展职业技能等级认定,对技艺高超、业绩突出的一线技能人才,符合条件的可申请认定相应职业技能等级。
  17.We will expand the space for the development of talents。对企事业单位兼职从事工程、职业教育、农业、研究、艺术、文物博物、工艺美术、体育、实验技术等领域的专业技术或技能型人才,符合条件的可申请认定相应职业技术等级或专业技术职称。建立完善新兴业态专业技术职称评价标准体系,将新业态从业人员和重点人才事业单位编外专技人员等纳入职称评审范围。
  18.We will strengthen the guarantee of educational benefits for skilled personnel。支持技工院校毕业生在应征入伍、公务员录用、企事业单位招聘、专业技术资格考试等方面享受对应学历教育同等待遇,符合我省普通高考同等学力报名条件的可以参加高考。
  19.Relax the formulation of management policies。Jilin Province has implemented a special staffing guarantee project for 10,000 talents,We will make coordinated efforts among provinces, cities and counties,Expand the scope of talent compilation,We will strengthen the guarantee for the introduction of high-level talents,建立重大项目或重点企业引进高层次人才、来吉高层次人才家属及团队成员用编保障和驻吉中直单位使用专项编制周转等灵活服务机制。
  20.Optimize the personnel management mechanism。对业绩贡献特别突出的A、B类人才可直聘一二级专业技术岗位;对C、D类人才及业绩贡献特别突出的E类人才可直接评定高级职称。
  Class C and above talents introduced and cultivated by public institutions at all levels,Individual post verification,Single column management;获得省级以上重要表彰奖励、取得含金量较高人才称号、在工作领域作出突出贡献的D类优秀人才以及县级及以下事业单位引进和培养的E类及以上人才,Posts can be approved individually,Single column management。省、市(州)两级事业单位其他D类人才以及业绩贡献特别突出的E类人才,单位无空缺岗位且确需聘任的,可按照一事一议方式,经主管部门报同级人社部门核准后,超岗聘用,待同级岗位出现空缺时,及时消化。
  21.Support flexible recruitment of talents by employers。Employers are encouraged to flexibly introduce high-level talents by means of negotiated wages and project wages。对于用人单位引进的高层次人才组建的创新平台及团队,由省财政择优给予最高1000万元的资金补助,用于用人单位在场地、设备、技改、研发、薪酬奖励等方面的投入。支持用人单位在域外建立研发中心、开放实验室、技术转移中心等“人才飞地”,对其聘用的高层次人才,视同全职在吉工作,用人单位可为其申报省级人才、科技项目。
  国外高层次引进人才回国(来华)取得的一次性补助(视同国家奖金),按规定免征个人所得税。The reward and service remuneration paid by the flexible introduction of high-level talents by an enterprise may be deducted before tax from the enterprise income tax according to law。柔性引进人才可分时分期享受我省全职引进同类高层次人才奖励和资助政策,相应层次人才在吉期间可享受“吉享卡”“吉健卡”服务项目。
  22.Parks and enterprises are granted the right to independently evaluate professional titles。国家级开发区、产业园区以及区内专业技术人员密集的重点企业、龙头企业、重点产业项目组等可申请自行组建职称评审委员会,自主开展职称评审,定向评价、定向使用。
   Fifth, we will support employers in attracting talent and fostering talent
  23.Strengthen the training of skilled personnel。优化以赛促学机制,获得世界技能大赛、全国职业技能大赛金、银、铜牌选手中留在省内就业的,省财政可给予最高不超过50万元奖励资金。Enterprises and vocational colleges preparing for the World Vocational Skills Competition are directly identified as provincial vocational skills training bases,省财政给予最高不超过200万元职业技能实训基地补助;对备战全国职业技能大赛的企业和职业院校,In the identification of provincial vocational skills training base to give funding tilt,The provincial finance will grant a subsidy of no more than 1 million yuan to the vocational skills training base。
  Support top skill talents to lead the establishment of skill master studios, chief technician studios and master and apprentice workshops,Master studio for obtaining national skills,The provincial finance grants 250,000 yuan;To obtain provincial chief technician studio and apprentice workshop,The provincial finance shall give the maximum subsidy of 200,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan respectively。
  24.Vigorously cultivate a team of excellent engineers。鼓励一汽集团等重点企业利用闲置厂房、房产、园区、孵化基地等建立一批省级“卓越工程师培训中心”。Every year, a group of enterprises that have established good cooperative relations with universities are selected and granted the right to carry out independent evaluation of engineering and technical titles。开展工程硕博士培养改革试点,每年联合培养工程硕士、博士研究生500名左右,工程硕士毕业生可提前1年参加工程师评审,工程博士毕业生可提前1年参加高级工程师评审。
  25.Build a high-quality talent training platform。围绕“黑土地”保护、肉牛养殖、种业发展、空间遥感、碳纤维产业、中医药产业、冰雪旅游、生态环保等产业,The construction of a number of unique geographical advantages of Jilin, science and education advantages, talent advantages of the regional talent gathering center,Efforts will be made to build a number of Jilin Province talent training bases, postdoctoral research stations (workstations) and other talent training platforms,According to the actual situation, it is gradually endowed with the autonomy of talent classification evaluation, title review, skill level identification, preparation and use。
  26.Establish a special channel mechanism for introducing high-level talents in short supply。支持长春、长春净月高新技术产业开发区国家自主创新示范区、吉林长春国家农业高新技术产业示范区等重点开发区以及省内国家级实验室、国家级重点实验室实行引进人才评价特殊通道,The introduction of talents in accordance with the principle of "one case, one discussion, special affairs, with the arrival, cash at any time",We will provide incentives for children to attend school, guarantee the establishment of staff, provide subsidies for settling down, and provide employment for spouses,Enhance the attractiveness and innovation of the talent platform。
  27.We will carry out a cooperation project to enable Kyrgyz people to return to their hometowns to start businesses and find employment。设立“吉人回乡”人才联络服务办公室,在京津冀、粤港澳、长三角等发达地区设立“吉人回乡”人才联络服务站,搭建吉人回乡对接服务平台。充分发挥“吉人回乡”品牌载体作用,通过举(承)办各类人才峰会、智库论坛、项目洽谈会、人才招聘会和参加中国海外人才交流会等活动,集聚各类人才回吉创新创业。
  28.Increase support for talents platform carrier。对在省内举办的,着眼于对接引进优秀人才的大型国际性学术会议、高端论坛、人才峰会、科技展会,省财政择优给予最高100万元一次性经费补助。
   6. Encourage talent innovation and entrepreneurship
  29.Support researchers to leave their posts and start their own businesses。高校、科研院所、医院等事业单位科研人员经单位同意可带科技成果离岗创业,离岗期间由原单位发放基本工资、缴纳社会保险。科研人才经所在单位同意可以兼职创新或在职创办企业,其人事关系所在单位的各项权利及福利待遇不受影响,可与兼职企业或派出单位职工同等享有获取报酬、奖金、股权激励的权利。对承担重要攻关项目和高层次急需紧缺引进人才,可实行年薪制、协议工资、项目工资等灵活分配方式。
  30.We will continue to strengthen incentives for the transformation of results。The net income from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements may be awarded to researchers according to regulations。Transferring scientific and technological achievements or licensing others to implement them,Withdraw no less than 70% of the net income for incentives;Using scientific and technological achievements as investment,从形成的股权或出资额中提取不低于70%的比例用于奖励;将科技成果自行实施或与他人合作实施的,After the successful operation of the conversion, no less than 10% of the operating profit shall be extracted annually for 5 consecutive years for incentives。Personnel who have made major contributions to the research and development and transformation of scientific and technological achievements shall receive not less than 60% of the total award share。
  31.We will implement policies to support innovation and entrepreneurship。加大对“六新产业”、“专精特新”企业、“四新设施”建设等领域创新创业人才扶持力度,优化人才资助机制,按照顶尖人才、卓越人才、青年人才三个层次,省财政给予最高不超过100万元资金资助。Select a group of young talent innovation and entrepreneurship teams, can be given a maximum of 500,000 yuan of funding。
  32.We will provide financial support for the transformation of talents' research achievements。对创新创业人才在省内创办的企业或科研成果在省内转化落地的项目,通过省高端人才创新创业专项基金,以市场化运行方式,给予每个项目最高不超过1000万元金融支持。Academician top talent entrepreneurship projects in the province can provide up to 20 million yuan of financial support for targeted equity investment。
  33.We will give preferential treatment to guaranteed loans for start-ups。符合条件的创业者个人最高可申请创业担保贷款20万元,期限最长三年;合伙创业个人贷款额度最高22万元,合计贷款额度不超过220万元,期限最长三年。Eligible small, medium and micro enterprises can borrow up to 4 million yuan, with a maximum term of two years。The financial departments of the above-mentioned loans shall give discount interest according to regulations。
  34.We will provide tax incentives for researchers to transform their scientific and technological achievements。高校、科研院所转化职务科技成果,以股份或出资比例等股权形式给予科技人员个人奖励的,暂不征收个人所得税;获奖人按股份、出资比例获得分红或转让股权、出资比例的,应依法缴纳个人所得税。高新技术企业转化科技成果,给予本企业相关技术人员股权奖励,个人一次性缴纳税款有困难的,可根据实际情况自行制定分期缴税计划,在不超过5个公历年度内(含)分期缴纳。依法批准设立的非营利性研究开发机构和高校根据《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》规定,从职务科技成果转化收入中给予科技人员的现金奖励,可减按50%计入科技人员当月工资、薪金所得,依法缴纳个人所得税。
  In order to ensure the effective implementation of these policies and measures, the provincial talent work joint meeting mechanism has been established to coordinate and promote various policies and measures。The provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department takes the lead in coordinating and coordinating relevant departments to promote the implementation of the talent policy, and the financial department is responsible for the financial security work。省直各部门要坚持用好“五化”闭环工作法,建立沟通协调、督导检查、联系服务等工作机制,结合实际制定实施细则和落实举措,切实压实工作责任。
  各地各部门各单位要充分展现出渴求人才、重视人才、珍爱人才的鲜明态度,宣传吉林开放包容、务实创新的人才政策,积极营造识才爱才敬才用才容才聚才的良好社会氛围。Each city (prefecture) Party committee and government should formulate corresponding talent incentive measures in light of the actual situation,According to A, B, C, D, E five categories of talent level,Targeted excavation, training and recommendation of a number of high-level urgently needed talents in line with local development needs,Organize timely implementation of talent incentive policies and benefits,Ensure effective implementation of policies。
  These policies and measures shall come into force on the date of issuance。Several Policy Measures on Stimulating Talent Vitality and Supporting Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2.Version 0) (Jifa (2021) No. 3) repealed at the same time。
    Source: Jilin Provincial Government Network